You know, after the arrival, I was horrified by how easily people gave up their freedom - not even a real fight - just to keep some semblance of their normal life. Right now, I'd give you *anything* for one day with my husband and my kids in our old house.


You know my father. Please, I just want to go home.
Snyder. So do I.


Will: I don't know what's waitin' for me on the other side of the wall.
Devon: Are you kiddin'? The rest of your life.

Now I know Lindsey has taught you that what other people think is bad, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking for yourself.


Jesus, Jenkins, are we running a labor camp or the Octagon?


Nolan: You've really committed to this, haven't you?
Maddie: The more worship facilities we build, the stronger our influence will grow.

Katie: There's a bug in Homeland.
Jennifer: What?
Katie: A tiny drone that looks like a bee. That's how they got all their intelligence for their operations.
Jennifer: A bee?
Katie: That's all I can tell you. Please do not contact me again.

You collaborate, you die.

Resistance Man

Are you angry? Huh. Well ask yourself a question, tough guy. Where the hell have you been for the last year? Your son would have died on the streets if it wasn't for me, so I'd like to hear little god damned gratitude. Then maybe we can make a deal.


What is it with you and Will and the whiskey? Why can't you drink something that doesn't taste like lighter fluid?


Woman: You are about to enter a select group. The question for humanity is not where we have been, it's where we are going. Are prepared read to accept that truth?
Maddie: Yes, I am.
Woman: Will you safeguard the secrets of our Movement, even from friends and family, and will you accept that the punishment for violating your oaths, but upon everyone you love?
Maddie: I do.
Woman: Then rise, Maddie Kenner, and receive your welcome into The Greatest Day.

Devon: It's just rumors. Supposedly the warlords and the occupation made a deal. As long as the warlords turn over a certain number of people each month, the Red Hats don't mess with them.
Will: What happens to the people? They go to the factory? [Devon shrugs] Then why isn't this block at war? Why aren't people fighting for their lives?

Colony Quotes

Will: Why am I here?
Proxy Snyder: To turn crisis into opportunity.

Katie: He's a good kid.
Will: They're all good kids.