Jenny: Liam is a good guy and I was lonely.
Ross: Dad is dead! You are supposed to be lonely!

Jenny: Let's not take our grief out on each other, okay? I'm sorry.
Muna: I never understood why you left your ER doctor job. A job healing people.
Jenny: I did it so that Ross and I could have a more balanced life.
Muna: If today proved anything, it's that your life is more unbalanced than ever. And so are you.
Jenny: I'm sorry, what?
Muna: You have a very unhealthy fascination with death. And the worst part is ...
Jenny: Oh, wow.
Muna: I think you like it. First your sister, then my David. All these people, these bodies, that man in your well. It would break David's heart, all of this ...
Jenny: Muna, David is dead, okay?! His heart is the least of his problems. Do you ...?
Ross: We can hear you yelling.
Jenny: Oh shit. Um. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. That was, that was a horrible, it was a horrible thing to say.
Ross: Look, I think that we're all just a little bit hangry right now. Maybe we could just go eat?

Okay, one. Only one. That's how many bodies it took to mess me up. The first time that I shot someone it took away a part of me. I'm trying to get that part back.


McAvoy: Tell me what you know about Gerald Henry Jones?
Greer: Bay Street Banker. Went for a jog by Tent City. Claims a homeless man, Floyd Shipman, tried to rob him. Jones stabbed him 26 times with a pair of scissors he had in his running pack.
McAvoy: You don't buy his story?
Greer: Even kids know not to run with scissors. I think that he was a rich white man who felt entitled to take the life of a man who didn't count.

Liam: There's a dead body in your well.
Jenny: Yeah, looks like.
Liam: I have, uh, hip waders if you wanna take a better look.
Jenny: Yeah. That's a great idea.
Liam: You're going in the murder well?
Jenny: Nobody said anything about murder.

Liam: I don't like to be surprised in my home, even though I'm a "smoke show." That's okay, I've been called worse. Like, um ... "handyman."
Jenny: Okay, look, I just, I, I didn't know what to say. And calling you my boyfriend doesn't feel right, does it?
Liam: I don't know. What do you want us to be?
Jenny: I don't know. I guess I just, with everything else in my life being so complicated, I liked that we were ...
Liam: Easy?

Ross: I don't wanna, like jump the gun, but I'm kind of a carpenter now.
Gordon Cooper: Well, I'll tell you what. Since the last time I saw you, you're a new man.
Ross: Well, I mean, it's not surgery like dad or what mom does, but ...
Gordon Cooper: You're finding your own way.
Ross: I like working with my hands, you know?
Gordon Cooper: And the calluses on your hands, they look good on you.
Ross: Yeah, they kind of hurt though.

I feel so good today. My mind's clear, I fee; strong. Maybe it's the country. Yeah, that's probably it. Nature's the best thing that could've happened to this family.

Gordon Cooper

Alison: Most choose the easiest path to get what they want. But not you
Jenny: Nope. It is my least favorite quality in myself right now.
Alison: Do you want me to get your pills? I don't know why I said that. It's none of my business. You are a recently-widowed single mother who is in the midst of a professional shit-storm. I only have one one-hundredth of that stress and I bake three pies a night.
Jenny: What?
Alison: I bake. Uh, to manage my stress.
Jenny: Does it help?
Alison: I find the precision of it very calming, very centering. Plus when I'm done, there's pie.

Jenny: Sure. Fill your boots. But we want the same thing, Richie.
Richie: Which is?
Jenny: The truth.
Richie: I don't care about the truth. I care about getting my client out of prison.

If this is a "screw-you" for opening Dr. Peterson's files, save it. My phone's been ringing off the hook with screw-yous.


Coroner Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Jenny: Sure. Fill your boots. But we want the same thing, Richie.
Richie: Which is?
Jenny: The truth.
Richie: I don't care about the truth. I care about getting my client out of prison.

If this is a "screw-you" for opening Dr. Peterson's files, save it. My phone's been ringing off the hook with screw-yous.
