World's Collide - Coroner
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Gerald Henry Jones's lawyer Richie Singh applies to get his verdict overturned. He's been in prison for 12 years. McAvoy meets with Greer. Her Ph.D. is in studying the homeless. She thinks Jones, a rich man that stabbed homeless man Floyd Shipman 26 times, is lying. McAvoy asks for her help keeping Jones in prison. She has a theory about Jones' killing spree attributed to junkies, but they can't prove it.

Sabina, Alison, Jenny's Dad Gordon, and her mother-in-law Manu come for Thanksgiving.

The water can't connect to the city, so Liam hooks it up to the well on the property. There are chunks in the water because there is a dead body in the well. They bring the body up and deal with the authorities. Jenny does not want them to call homicide until they identify the body. There is a green shamrock tattoo, later identified as a cancer tattoo, on the body. A Northern water snake crawls out of its mouth. Liam catches it.

Thanksgiving guests see the body

Liam ignores phone calls.

The corpse was James Grigson. He went missing hiking Bruce trail. Jenny thinks he fell into Tews Falls when hiking, sank to the bottom of the lake, and an aquifer washed him into the well. Liam thinks it was murder. The detective also thinks it was murder. Grigson has a million-dollar accidental death insurance policy put in place a few weeks before he died. His daughter is the sole beneficiary. Jenny figures out it was suicide meant to look accidental.

Manu and Jenny get into a fight.

Ross finds out about Jenny and Liam and decides to go stay with his grandmother.

Jenny remembers the dog.

Dr. Allen tells Jenny that the pig skeleton Mcavoy brought in includes one human bone.

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Coroner Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Jenny: Sure. Fill your boots. But we want the same thing, Richie.
Richie: Which is?
Jenny: The truth.
Richie: I don't care about the truth. I care about getting my client out of prison.

If this is a "screw-you" for opening Dr. Peterson's files, save it. My phone's been ringing off the hook with screw-yous.
