This man I've been living beside for 30 years... There's something missing.

Emily A

Emily A: How do I know you wrote that?
Doctor: I can call in your husband to read it.
Emily A: I don't trust him.

I don't want any Turkish. Maybe you could cook for me like you used to.

Emily A

I remember you. You're my husband.

Emily A

This is so odd, when you know a place, but you don't know it.

Emily A

Howard P: Who is she?
Peter: She's former FBI.
Howard P: This is bad.
Peter: Oh, bad, bad! Yes, that's the word I've been looking for.

Naya: What exactly is it you want me to do with this office?
Management: We want you to hunt a very special kind of spy.

Management: Why do you suppose you're so good at catching spies?
Naya: Because I know what it's like to be an outsider, to have my nose pressed up against the glass. I see the world the way they see the world.

Management: Do you believe in God?
Naya: Yes.
Management: Why?
Naya: Are you asking why I believe in God? Because I'm fairly certain I don't have to answer that.

OHoward: What the hell happened to you?
Quayle: Aldrich's looking for you.
OHoward: Yeah? Aldrich's not going to be a problem for either one of us anymore.

Ian: Did you feel something for him?
Emily: If I did, it was just a phantom limb.

Howard: I didn't have a choice.
Ian: Of course you didn't.
Howard: I just want to go home.

Counterpart Quotes

Howard, why do you think I brought you in on this? For your great tactical skill, your great knowledge of this whole fuckin' thing? I need to pretend to be you, take Baldwin out myself.


I have a new book. 'You, you, only you exist.'
