I worked in a casino once. Until they fired me. For stabbing a pit boss in the eye. And then he got fired because what's the use of a one-eyed pit boss?


Tanaka: I am walking out of here or she dies.
Spike: Or she dies? Wait, that's your hostage? What is she? Like 80? I mean, she looks like she's led a very full, rich life. Haven't you, ma'am?

Spike: They can grow you a new arm, you know.
Jet: You know, sometimes when you lose something, there's just no getting it back.
Spike: Any more fortune cookies you want to crack open, or can we eat now?
Jet: You work at being an asshole?
Spike: No, actually, it comes naturally. Unlike your arm.

Dealer: Tell me. Tell me, what does it feel lie?
Asimov: It feels like I just mainlined God!

Jet: This guy is right in front of us. Last seen in New Tijuana.
Spike: TJ, no. No TJ.
Jet: What now?
Spike: Do you know what I got the last time I was on TJ?
Jet: Herpes?
Spike: Stabbed. You know what I was doing? Buying a churro.

Jet: Goddamn Syndicate.
Barkeep: Who else cleans up the dead like they never died?

Cowboy Bebop Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Tanaka: I am walking out of here or she dies.
Spike: Or she dies? Wait, that's your hostage? What is she? Like 80? I mean, she looks like she's led a very full, rich life. Haven't you, ma'am?

I worked in a casino once. Until they fired me. For stabbing a pit boss in the eye. And then he got fired because what's the use of a one-eyed pit boss?
