‘Hold on!’ -- Rudyard Kipling

Hold on when there is nothing in you except the will which says to them

Matt: Need a minute?
Garcia: So, so badly. But we need to find Emily, so let's get to work.

[Reid's] had a rough couple of months.

Garcia [to Matt]

The kids just fell asleep. How do I ... I'll take care of it.

Monica [to Walker]

Prentiss: It doesn't matter what you do to me. I will not break.
Scratch: Let me test that resolve.

Garcia; Creepy weirdness.
Matt: No weirdness,
Garcia: Good. because I'm full up on creepy weirdness for one night.

Prentiss: There are no words.
Monica: No, there are not.

Prentiss: Two words kept me sane: "Wheels up."

Criminal Minds Season 13 Episode 1 Quotes

Matt: Need a minute?
Garcia: So, so badly. But we need to find Emily, so let's get to work.

‘Hold on!’ -- Rudyard Kipling

Hold on when there is nothing in you except the will which says to them