Megan: Why didn’t you tell me?!
Debbie: I didn’t want to stress you out.
Megan: Okay, you can’t have it both ways! You can’t lean on me to pay for things and then keep me in the dark. For once, it would be nice for you to be the grownup here.

Megan: I would?
Isabella: You don’t have to drink it. Just hold it. It’ll make you look cool.

Isabella: Are you really asking me that?
Megan: Yeah, I guess I am.
Isabella: You know, I’ve let this whole town call me a slut and a lousy friend. Everywhere I go people whisper behind my back all so that you can keep your scholarship. And now you think I’m sneaking around with Luke? Are you kidding me, Megan?!
Megan: I’m sorry. It’s just the stuff with the pipes has me stressing out.
Isabella: I don’t care! Okay, how far do I have to go to prove my loyalty to you? And what? Do you need me to kill for you?

Sheriff Myer: Luke was the love of your life, but by all accounts, your relationship was never the same after the sex tape. Too many secrets. Too many lies. And it only got worse when you found out you were pregnant.
Lawyer: Sheriff, I need to…
Sheriff Myer: I believe you and Luke went to the cabin. You told him you were pregnant and he rejected the idea of a baby with you. A future with you. So, you killed him.

Isabella: I have diplomatic immunity, so I could kill all of you and get away with it.
Luke: Okay, let’s maybe not test that theory.

Jeff: So, basically, it’s blackmail?
Megan: More like mutual destruction. Choose your own adventure, or don’t.

Isabella: Jeff is crushing on you. Hard.
Megan: No. No way. Those guys don’t think of me that way.
Isabella: Megan, you’re smart, fun, and hot. Come on, that’s the crush trifecta. Maybe you used to be one of the guys, but I think those days are over.

Sheriff Myer: The ballistics came back from the gun that shot Luke. It’s registered to Steve Chambers.
Debbie: I don’t understand. Why are you here?
Sheriff Myer: Because there are three pairs of prints on the gun: Luke’s, Isabella’s, and Megan’s.

Megan: I keep trying to figure out who would’ve done this.
Isabella: I can think of one local filmmaker with a grudge.
Megan: Jeff? Really?
Isabella: I mean, they always talk about women scorned, but men are even worse.
Megan: I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like his style.
Isabella: Well, whoever it is, we’re gonna find out.

Isabella: Mom.
Isabella’s Mom: It’s late. Is everything okay?
Isabella: I need your help. I’m in trouble.

Steve: Is it the only tape?
Luke: I think you should ask your number one son.
Brent: Ahh, Dad! Luke…
Steve: Is that the only tape?!
Luke: That’s a lie. No, that’s a lie!

We have to get our stories straight.


Cruel Summer Season 2 Quotes

Megan: I keep trying to figure out who would’ve done this.
Isabella: I can think of one local filmmaker with a grudge.
Megan: Jeff? Really?
Isabella: I mean, they always talk about women scorned, but men are even worse.
Megan: I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like his style.
Isabella: Well, whoever it is, we’re gonna find out.

We have to get our stories straight.
