Vengeance won't heal a broken heart.

Sue Ellen

I've got a fast car. It's not too late to run.


You use those puppy dog eyes you got from me and that's going to bring the Mamma Bear out in Sue Ellen.


When I lost you, I died inside.


Let's not consider this work. Let's consider this screwing over Christopher and Elena.

John Ross

John Ross: I get me some a little breakfast and I think I'll be ready for round two.
Rebecca: I hear they have nice waffles at the Ritz.

She deserves to have you in her life. Fight for her.


Keep those boys in line.


JR: Son, you've got the devil in you.
John Ross: Takes one to know one.

You're not the first Pam to fox her way into the hen house. I'm one for one on flushing out Pamelas and I plan on being two for two.


For the first time in his damn life JR was the lesser of two evils.

Sue Ellen

I'm just here to look my enemy in the eye and since your daddy's about two feet shorter than me, I guess you'll have to do.


Dallas Quotes

I ain't a virgin but i ain't a whore either.


I've got family business to attend to before anybody knows I'm dying.
