Christopher: You look like Hell.
John Ross: Still better looking than you.

Christopher: How the Hell could J.R. do this to his own family?
Bobby: Son, how much time do you have?

You can call in your note but you will never pump a drop of oil on Southfork.


Maybe he didn't kill that woman but you play with snakes long enough, eventually you get bit.


This is my mess to clean up, not J.R.'s

John Ross

I have my son to lose and nothing is more important than that.

Sue Ellen

You mess with my wife in any way, I will beat you into next Sunday.


If you so much as scratch her I will end you.

John Ross

He's a man and worse. He's a Ewing man.

Sue Ellen

A cheated man is a dangerous man. Just ask my son.


I am glad that you took her out to brunch. It's nice to see you two staying so close.


How did you play her? Tradition, family, Miss Ellie and all that crap?

John Ross

Dallas Quotes

I ain't a virgin but i ain't a whore either.


I've got family business to attend to before anybody knows I'm dying.
