I shouldn't have to keep asking for something that's mine.

Sue Ellen

If you think you're getting tired of that just think how I feel.

John Ross

This divorce, it's going to be good for business.


Tell the truth, not somebody else's version of it. Your truth.


John Ross: I don't need your forgiveness.
J.R.: You don't need my wrath either. We dinosaurs are known to bite.

You led me to believe that now that you were sober you were smarter too.


Christopher, you're so judgmental. It's very unattractive.


These babies you're so eager to strip from my womb. You'll never see them at all.


For the life of me I can't think of one sensible reason for our boy to go and seek favor from that bitter old bastard.


Ann's the only Ewing who never turned her back on me.


Some people shouldn't have goldfish let alone children.


Sensitivity doesn't seem to be their strong point, does it?

Sue Ellen

Dallas Season 2 Quotes

Love is for pussies.

John Ross

You know how they say men make up for their manhood by buying fast cars? Well, that goes double for diamonds.

John Ross