Brophy: How did you get your blink drive?
Three: It’s a long story.
Brophy: You stole it?
Three: ...Okay, that’s the short version.

Remember, you’re a couple. [to Six] We’re a couple. [to Five] And you’re a disaffected youth committed to sulking and avoiding all social discourse.

The Android [to Three and Two]

Three: No, we are not getting a dog!
Two: It would be great for crew morale!
Three: We could screw with the timeline! Hm? What if the dog that we bring back is instrumental in finding a cure for Sukulsky Syndrome or something?

It’s better to be safe than sorry. And homeless.

The Android

Three: You might have a tough time fitting in.
Android: Unfortunately, the upgrade was damaged by the mind hack. But my ability to access the planetary data hub makes me an indispensable source of information for this outing.
Six: Still, I’m not so sure--
Android: In. Dispensable.

Sarah: Can’t you see how this changes things? You’re not stuck on this ship anymore! You’re free to go down there and start a new life! Have a chance with someone else, someone real.
Three [insistent]: You’re real.
Sarah: But *this* isn’t. As much as I want it to be, it’s not. It’s a fantasy.
Three: Okay, but you know what *is* real? My feelings for you.
Sarah: *Now*. But how long until you start resenting me, stop coming to visit? How long are we going to keep pretending this is enough? I can’t live like this. I need more.

Three: We went six hundred years into the future?
Android: No. Of course not.
Three: Good. Had me going there for a second.
Android: We’ve traveled six hundred years into the past.

Dark Matter Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Sarah: Can’t you see how this changes things? You’re not stuck on this ship anymore! You’re free to go down there and start a new life! Have a chance with someone else, someone real.
Three [insistent]: You’re real.
Sarah: But *this* isn’t. As much as I want it to be, it’s not. It’s a fantasy.
Three: Okay, but you know what *is* real? My feelings for you.
Sarah: *Now*. But how long until you start resenting me, stop coming to visit? How long are we going to keep pretending this is enough? I can’t live like this. I need more.

Three: We went six hundred years into the future?
Android: No. Of course not.
Three: Good. Had me going there for a second.
Android: We’ve traveled six hundred years into the past.