Android: I can have the FTL drive prepped and ready for immediate activation if things go poorly. We should be able to escape with minimal damage if the override command should fail.
Three: Assuming the engines aren’t the first thing to go, which they pretty much always are in this tub…
Android: ‘Tub’ seems a little harsh.

Android: You’re implying the memory Victor showed me is not reliable.
Three: He puts his hands in your head, and then he looks you in the eye and shows you a memory. We’re supposed to gamble our lives based on that?

Two: What’s going on?
Android: What’s going on where, Two?
Two [gestures vaguely]: Here, mostly.
Android [looks down]: My boobs?
Two: Um, yeah…
Android: Am I doing them wrong?
Two: No, it’s not that!
Android: Perhaps you could offer me some guidance. I noticed you’re very… adept at packaging yours.

It’s not so much this new look, but the very fact that I can *choose* a new look that makes me happy. Today it will be this. Tomorrow it might be something else. But the point is I now possess the autonomy to decide my own fate. What I wear is just a small part of the endless possibilities open to me. It opens up a whole new world.


It’s my understanding that what people don’t know *can* hurt them. Quite severely.


Why do you even wanna come through, anyway? Grass is always greener on the other side of the interdimensional portal?


Dark Matter Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

It’s my understanding that what people don’t know *can* hurt them. Quite severely.


Why do you even wanna come through, anyway? Grass is always greener on the other side of the interdimensional portal?
