Kate: Talk to a lawyer. That's what Dario did to find out that all he had to do was refile some paperwork.
Abigail: So he's been lying to me from the beginning. He said there was some Mexican gang of drug lords that was after him.
Kate: I bet he did.
Abigail: No, that was true. I had Lieutenant Raines -
Andre: Never mind that. We need to focus on making sure Dario doesn't send Chad to prison.

Paul: The police broke into that room and they found a phone charger and a porno magazine like the one that was found on you in Greece.
Xander: That's all you have? A phone charger and a magazine that's looked at by every straight man in the world?

Brady: I came back from my call to watch the movie and you were gone. Where did you go?
Nicole: I... Honey, I didn't want to watch the movie myself so I... I paused it and I went for a walk.

Kayla: What do you mean, you know what I did?
Tripp: Oh, come on.
Kayla: N-no. I mean, I can see that you're upset. I want to help you -
Tripp: Oh, knock it off. Look, you always do that, you know? Playing innocent, making everyone in this stupid town think you're such a saint. Steve and Joey, they're like your little cheerleaders, but you don't have me fooled for one minute.
Kayla: I really don't understand -
Tripp: I tried to get this entire hospital to see what I see. But everyone's just too much into the myth of Saint Kayla.

Chad: I never knew what to make of you and Dario. I didn't know why you guy had gotten married. I had ideas, based on my own insecurities, mistakes I've made. It never would have occurred to me that you were doing it just to help him. I don't know why. I should have known. It's just who you are. I've got myself in a bit of a... a situation again. Turns out, you were doing everything you could do to help me. You always do. I get it now. It's what you meant when you said you were doing this for me. And I don't see how I could've... how I could've been the one to kill Deimos. I don't... All I remember about that night is being with you. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Thing is, Andre told me Dario showed him a photo of me beside the body, holding the knife, wiping off the knife... that doesn't make any sense. I'm so... When you came to me, you told me that Dario had stolen all that money from the company but not to go to the cops so you could have time to make it right I thought you were just doing it to protect him for whatever reason. Did he tell you that if you didn't go with him he would show the picture to the cops? I wish you would have just told me what was going on. I wish you wouldn't have taken this all on by yourself. If you had just told me about the picture you wouldn't be lying here like this. Unless you think I did it. I mean I hated him, but... Maybe I did. Maybe I did kill Deimos. If I did kill Deimos I should be the one in jail, not Sonny. You didn't want Thomas to grow up without his father. That's why you were gonna go with Dario, to keep him from sending me to prison. I was so brutal to you. Please don't let those be the last words you hear me say to you. You know how much we need you, right? We need you so much.
Shah: Mr. Dimera? I'm Dr. Shah. Dr. Johnson wanted me to examine Mrs. Hernandez.
Chad: Her name is Abigail... never mind.

That was the nanny. She's trying to get Thomas to go to sleep. I know he misses you and he loves you. We should have been a family again. I know that. I keep trying to think of where it all went wrong and I realize that I ran away from you because I was scared. I am sorry. I am sorry if I made you feel like you weren't wanted, because you were. I have always wanted you from the day that I met you. I need you. My life is no life without you. I love you.


Lucas: Did you just say that your heart belongs to Justin?
Bonnie: That's right.
Lucas: You're messing with me, aren't you? You're messing with me cause I've been acting so crazy jealous lately 'cause you've been spending so much time with the guy, right?
Bonnie: You were right to be jealous.
Lucas: You're serious. But just two hours ago in bed, you told me that no one has made you feel like I do.
Bonnie: Bet I did say that.

Sonny: God knows I hated him enough that I wanted him dead. Maybe I did kill Deimos.
Chad: Maybe you didn't.

Gabi: I'm okay, really. I saw this coming. As a matter of fact, I told Chad that things have been different since the night of the party.
Abigail: After the Halo wore off, I just want you to know that nothing else happened between me and Chad.
Gabi: Til last night. I saw Chad by your bedside and I heard him say that he couldn't live without you. And that's when I knew that he didn't belong with me, Abigail. He belongs with you.

Chloe: Lucas, I was married to you long enough to learn the 12 step lingo. No person can force another person to drink.
Lucas: Well, I guess another one of my exes didn't read the big book, did they?
Chloe: Oh lord, who was it? Nicole? Carrie? Don't tell me Sami's back in town.
Lucas: Don't say that! Don't say that! Please don't say that. But thank you for the death march down memory lane.

Andre: I'm afraid I have some bad news.
Kate: Bad news. Is that euphemism for I royally screwed up, and I'm a world class idiot?

What part of "Mom" don't you understand? That's Marlena’s son, the ex-priest. The cute one.
