Gabi: Karma, it's a bitch.
Kate: How can you gloat about this?
Gabi: It's what I've wanted. I want Abigail to understand what I went through, what she put me through. I want her to feel my pain. Oh come on, don't look at me like that. You wanted this too. Justice for Andre.
Kate: No. Not like this. What you're doing is beyond cruel.
Gabi: What WE are doing, partner.
Kate: Abigail believed in you. She trusted you were her best friend.
Gabi: You know what? Save it, because not long ago you were all in.
Kate: Because you were blackmailing me, Gabi! I want to look out for you, I know, but I've come to my senses with this. Abigail's baby was ripped out of her arms. Chad has lost his wife and his child, the child he doesn't even know is his and yet you're here drinking champagne. And I think that's just a little bit monstrous.

Maggie: Ciara come on. Let this grudge go. After all, you won.
Ciara: So I'm supposed to let this go because I won the contest?
Maggie: That's not all you won. You got your revenge for what Claire did to your mother.
Ciara: You know, I thought I'd feel better when it actually happened.
Maggie: But you don't.
Ciara: No. I just feel kind of empty.
Maggie: Well, that's the thing you learn about revenge. It may bring you some satisfaction, but it will never make you feel good.

I'm doing what I'm doing because I don't want my son to know that the sight of his mother disgusts me.


Have you thought about how you're going to have to lie to your child about who its father is? And if the truth comes out someday, this could all blow up in your face.


MarDevil: You are not supposed to interfere in human affairs. All you can do is watch.
Gabriel: I came to tell you you are being watched. I know you want Ben and Ciara's baby and I know why. God is not going to let you have that baby.
MarDevil: Ha. In case you haven't noticed, I've grown in power. The world is in chaos. Disease. War. Brother against brother.
Gabriel: What you don't realize is that good people like Ben and Ciara are the light and the hope. You never take into account the power of faith and love. That is why God will always win in the end.

You know, there was a time I really loved Kristen and I thought it was possible for us to have a family together. I must have been out of my mind.


There are things in this email that I don't think even a saint like Eric could get past.


Ciara: I didn't think you'd be into scrapbooking.
Chad: I'm not, actually. I'm trying to put something together that'll give my wife a reason to want to come home.

Kate: I think that since he appears to be going after both families that we should just stick together, that we should just present a united front.
Eduardo: Yeah, sure, we'll just pretend everything is okay between us.
Kate: Right. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

JJ: You're a rock star, sir.
Abe: I don't think anyone's ever called me that before.

Your concern for me is overwhelming. Or...and this is just off the top of my head...maybe you're playing me too.


Oh. Guards. Xander wasn't kidding. [to baby] We gotta find that phone. [Looks everywhere] Xander used it to call the guards. We have to find it before he wakes up. There it is. Now how do you turn this thing on?
