Rafe: Abe's strong and he's a fighter.
Paulina: He just had brain surgery!

Eric: Are you alright?
Nicole: I will be after I knock her teeth out.

Jennifer: You used to tell Abigail that you could tell a lot about a person's personality by their topping choices.
Jack: It's true. For example, a person like yourself who takes only a few nuts is refined.
Jennifer: I'm refined and stuffy?
Jack: Not stuffy. I used to be before I met you. You taught me to loosen up and have fun.
Jennifer: Maybe too much fun.
Jack: Sometimes. But you saved me from being a curmudgeon who yells at kids to get off my lawn. I could have subscribed to all sorts of arcane rules. I could have been... Victor.

What a fantastic morning. A Charming run in with Nick. Getting gouged by an 8-year-old. What next?


I don't care what happens to me, Hope.


Actually Nicole has given me some excellent advice tonight. She's smarter than we thought.


Anna: Don't make fun of urns. You know how i feel about them.
Tony: I wouldn't dare. I toured Europe in one.

Hope Brady has become even more insufferable ever since she became unemployed and needs to prove herself as an armchair detective.

Kate Roberts

John: Just think back to the last thing you do remember clearly and tell the story of what happened.
Marlena: That's what I tell my patients.
John: Who do you think I stole it from?

Think about what you're saying. Ben killed four people, including my grandson. There is no turning this around, especially not with Chad's son.


Jack: Go ahead and say it. Did Abe force himself on you?
JJ: Abe Carver is a decent and honorable man! There's only one person here who raped someone, and that's you!

Wyatt: Look, I know you're upset, but this whole thing has really gotten blown out of proportion.
Ciara: So lying about who you are is really no big deal?