Kristen: I want to go with you, but Lani and I became close at the convent and I'd feel disloyal to Lani if I watched Eli marry someone else.
Brady: I don't understand. Lani left Eli at the altar. Are you saying she still has feelings for Eli?

Chloe: Oh my God! It's the same knife.
Stefan: Same as what?
Chloe: I stabbed El Fiedo in the back with it.
Stefan: Why would anyone send it here?
Chloe: I don't know. I just remember one of his goons said I was signing my death warrant, but then I came back and I forgot about it... oh my God, what am I supposed to do?

Gabi: You and your mom were talking about a secret she wanted to keep, something about a lot of money?
Rachel: I'm not supposed to tell anyone.
Gabi: Well, I'm not anyone, sweetie. You and I are family.
Rachel: We are?
Gabi: Yeah, I just married your uncle Stefan. I have the pictures to prove it, 'member?
Rachel: Oh yeah.
Gabi: So that technically makes me your Aunt Gabs. You know, family can share anything with each other.
Rachel: I don't think that's true.
Gabi: What do you mean? Why not?
Rachel: Because Gwen is my cousin Dimitri's wife, and she definitely can't know.

Brady: Rachel had run away from camp, and I knew Kristen was in some way behind it. I was desperate to make her tell me where my daughter was.
Judge: With a gun?
Brady: I have learned from experience that you cannot reason with Kristen.

Roman: So Sloan is...
Eric: I think the word you're looking for is 'pregnant.'
Kate: Are you sure?
Eric: Yeah, we're sure. We took a test, and we've seen her doctor, and we're happy about it, and I hope you are too.

Sarah: You really slept with Gwen?
Xander: Uh huh.
Sarah: The ink on our divorce papers isn't even dry yet and you already slept with that horrible woman?
Gwen: Uh, I'm right here.
Xander: What I do now is officially none of your business, Sarah. And I want to make something clear. I don't want you putting Gwen down.
Sarah: How chivalrous of you, defending your girlfriend's honor.
Xander: You couldn't wait to be rid of a criminal like me. What do you care how I spend my nights?

Jack: Does anyone have any questions?
Jennifer: I have one. Have you lost whatever's left of your mind?

I will never forgive Ben Weston for what he did to my daughter, but Ciara isn't guilty of anything except having terrible taste in men. It was wrong for me to try to punish her for Ben's crimes.


Abe: When you were in the other room, I called Steve and asked him to come over.
Paulina: Oh. Okay. Well please, come in. Are you hungry? I've got enough food here to feed the entire town.
Steve: No thanks. But Abe, I'd love to know why you wanted to see me. What can I do for you, buddy?
Abe: When you came by my hospital room earlier with, uh... Jim? Jim, was it?
Steve: John.
Abe: John. John Black. You said call if I needed anything.
Steve: Absolutely.
Abe: Well, what I need is a place to stay.
Paulina: What?
Abe: I'm so sorry. I'm just not comfortable here.

EJ: Nicole said she'd be delayed and we should start the ceremony without her.
Jada: Gee, what a shame.

Victor: What the hell happen to you?
Theresa: I broke my ankle.
Victor: Eh, I would have thought your kneecaps would be the first to go.

Kayla: Whitley King was one of your patients?
Marlena: According to her file, she had several sessions. Sessions in the Fall of 2021.
Kayla: Well, that explains it.
Marlena: Yeah. That's why I am only remembering it right now.
Kayla: In the Fall of 2021, you were possessed.