Gabi: So, do you think it's a good idea?
Kate: Not good... fabulous.
Gabi: You really like it?
Kate: What's not to love about a lifestyle coaching business?
Gabi: Plus image enhancement.
Kate: That's what makes it so unique. In fact, I'm gonna talk to Chad and see if he wants to bring DImera on board.
Gabi: Um, well, uh, you know, I'm not actually looking for an investment. I wanted your opinion more than anything and, um, I just don't think bringing Chad in is necessary.
Kate: Gabi, I know that you still have feelings for Chad but that doesn't mean we can't do business with him.
Gabi: Well, whatever I feel about Chad is over. I mean, he's committed to his family. And like I told Abigail, I want them to be happy.
Kate: Sweetie, that's very noble of you. It really is. But personally, I think that I couldn't give up going after a man the heart wanted. I don't think I could just listen to what the brain is telling me.

Abigail: That couldn't have been easy for her, being in your father's house again.
Chad: It's not my father's house. It's ours. Yours and mine.
Abby: It's funny, I never really thought of it as mine til now. Getting to be part of Dimera makes me feel like I'm part of the family.
Chad: Well, I always struggled with what it meant to be a Dimera. Now that you're one of us, it all makes sense.

Andre: She certainly has a nerve showing up here!
Kate: Well she didn't stay long, apparently.
Andre: Well it's probably cause Chad had the sense to throw her out.
Chad: I did nothing of the sort.
Andre: Have you forgotten what she did to Father?
Chad: No, she owns it. She feels terrible.
Andre: Does she? Well, she shot a helpless old man in cold blood.

Deimos: Do you honestly think that I'm just gonna stand by, do absolutely nothing to help her while you run to her rescue? The bottom line, Brady, is this. I love her! And I know she still loves me. And once I'm able to get her baby back for her, nothing else will matter. She'll forgive everything that happened before.
Brady: She'll forgive everything. Man, you REALLY don't know who she is, do you?
Deimos: If I could just get my man to track her down... I will do everything in my power to get the authorities to go easy on her.
Brady: You gonna do that with another bribe, Deimos? Is that your plan?
Deimos: If that's what it takes, you're damn right I will! If that doesn't work, I'll make arrangements for her to disappear so she can raise her daughter without interference. At least then she'll finally have what she wants, and I'll finally be able to sleep at night knowing that I was the reason.
Brady: You're the reason she lost her baby in the first place! She's out there on the run, with her daughter, because you didn't get her what she wanted. And because of that, she's probably gonna lose her baby for good.

Abigail: This isn't the 1950s. I'm more than somebody's wife.
Andre: Ah, Abigail, I didn't mean to diminish your position. It's just that I'm glad to see you take your rightful place by your husband.

Nicole: It's okay, sweetheart. Mommy's here and I'm never gonna let anyone take you away from me again. Not Chloe, not anyone. [Brady comes in]. Find them?
Brady: I spoke to the clerk. Tiffany and her boyfriend left this morning. They took everything. They're long gone.
Nicole: Along with all my cash.
Brady: I know it's upsetting.
Nicole: I'm not upset. I'm pissed! That bitch pretended to be my friend. She bought me formula and diapers. The whole time she was just plotting to rob me. I mean, how can I be so stupid?
Brady: You aren't stupid. You were desperate and you were alone.

Steve: He held a needle to your throat, for God's sake!
Kayla: I'm fine. Thanks to you, I'm okay.

Roman: So it was your mom that wore you down.
Eric: I don't think it was just Mom.
Roman [sips his coffee]: This is worse than the station house.
Eric: Yeah, well that'll teach you to stop by unannounced.
Roman: That'll teach YOU not to answer your texts. Eric, I wanna tell you something. I'm very happy about this but, you know, I get that you're worried about coming home. But I think once you get around family and friends...
Eric: Dad. I said I would meet with the people from the Horton Center and see how it goes.
Roman: It's gonna go great, you know why? You got a way about you. You help people turn their lives around.

Theo: You wanna make love right now?
Claire: Well, that's what I said.
Theo: I know. I just, um.
Claire: You just what?
Theo: I, um, wasn't expecting it to happen so soon.
Claire: You wanna wait a year or two?
Theo: No. It's just, it's a big step, you know. It's just very... grown-up.

Jen: So... ready to sign on the dotted line?
Eric: Yeah. Before I do this, I think there's one thing you and I need to get straight.
Jen: Is there something wrong with the contract?
Eric: No, I just want to make sure it's clear that I'm just signing off for a trial.
Jen: Oh yeah, it says that right there at the bottom of the first page.
Eric: Jen, it's more than a contract. I can't stop my parents from getting their hopes up. It's more important that you know -
Jen: I know. I know that if you start feeling like the walls are closing in on you, it's important that you have a way out.
Eric: You get it.
Jen: I do.
Eric: Does Maggie know I'm coming back?
Jen: I didn't want to tell her until I knew for sure.
Eric: What about Nicole?

Eduardo: All right, what is going on here? Why do you feel a need to kick this girl when she's down?
Kate: She's down? She's always down and out, and it's always her fault. Eddie, she got pregnant by a dead man. She used another woman's eggs. She failed to share that information with anyone, including the biological mother. And SHE'S the damsel in distress?

Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives.

Dr. Thomas "Tom" Horton Sr.