I can understand in some twisted way how you could do all this to Abigail. But how could you do it to me?


Justin: If you sue Chloe, the gloves are going to come off. Her lawyers are going to do whatever it takes to try to prove you are an unfit parent, including bringing up parts of your past that might be dark and painful.
Eric: Like what? [Justin gives him a look] Oh. I killed Holly's father in a drunk driving accident.

I'm not going to call Eve. I'm tired of all this. I jump from one bad relationship to another. Why do I do that?


Jennifer: It's been a rough year for Abigail. Just when I thought she and Chad were going to have a normal life, Andre died and then the DID and now this whole Gabi mess...
Julie: It's been a rough year for you too. You fell in love -- which was a long time coming and well deserved, by the way -- only to get your heartbroken.
Jennifer: I lost Eric because I kept it secret from him for months that Nicole was alive. Whenever you lie to the one you love, it ends badly. But I am done. I mean it. My resolution this year is no more love, ever.
Julie: What a load of malarky! You don't give up on love. You forgive yourself and you move on! Preferably with tall, dark, and handsome. Or whatever floats your boat.
Jennifer: Honestly, I think my boat sank when Jack died.

Sorry I missed the countdown, but better late than never. I'm here now. So let's let the party begin.


Chloe: And then Vivian flew in on her broomstick.
Brady: Well, luckily, the wicked witch is dead. Nobody's going to be ruining this year's New Year's Eve.

JJ: I'm JJ Deveraux.
Haley: Yeah, finding me passed out on the floor was kind of an introduction.
JJ: Short for Jack Junior, terrible at making hospital corners, and I'll save a cat from a tree anytime but honestly, I'm more of a dog person.
Haley: Haley Chen.
JJ: It's nice to meet you, Haley Chen.
Haley: If you really mean that, you'll let me go back to work now.

I told you about my friend who stopped me from going off a cliff. But I still had a long way to go before my feet were back on the ground.


I can't do this. This is not the kind of person I am. This is not the kind of mother Arianna needs.


Julie: Look, I was looking for Maggie and I got lost in the mansion. Don't make a federal case out of it.
Gabi: You were looking for her in an empty room with the lights off? What'd you think, she was under the bed?

Eli: So you came here to stare at my room?
Rafe: No. I came here to talk.
Eli: But you're not talking.

Daniel was my son. He lives on in his children, and I want them to be raised together.
