Nicole: So how long has Johnny known?
EJ: What are you, clairvoyant now?
Nicole: I may not be a genius, but I'm not stupid. I saw that you made a beeline for him as soon as Gabi left.

EJ: Now that you know the truth, you must think I'm a terrible person.
Nicole: This hasn't changed my impression of you. I always thought you were a terrible person. But it's okay, because I'm one too.

Both our worlds have been turned upside down. I'm not dead anymore -- I don't think, anyway -- and you weren't expecting Brady to dump you for Kristen.

Stefan Dimera

Doug: You outdid yourself, my darling.
Julie: Oh, thank you. You know, despite all the sadness this year, I think tonight's party is as lovely as it's ever been.
Doug: I agree. You managed to lift everyone's spirits with your generous heart.
Julie: I don't know about that. I'm really touched you think so, though.
Doug: I just tell the truth.
Julie: I love you so much, Doug Williams.
Doug: And I love you, Julie Olson Banning Anderson Williams.

Julie: How did you travel all the way across the country with two babies by yourself?
Eli: I've learned how to do lots of things by myself.

Thomas: Why does Xander owe you?
Gwen: I didn't hear you come in. Shouldn't you be upstairs, getting ready for the party?
Thomas: I'm already ready.
Gwen: So I see. And don't you look sharp indeed? Um, maybe you should be a good big brother and help little Charlotte get ready too.
Thomas: Grandpa Jack is helping her. Why does Xander owe you?
Gwen: Didn't anyone ever teach you that it's impolite to eavesdrop?
Thomas: I wasn't eavesdropping. You were talking loud. What did you do for him?
Gwen: What did I do for Xander? I just did him a favor, that's all.
Thomas: What kind of favor?
Gwen: My, you are persistent, aren't you?
Thomas: If persistent means curious, then yep.

Tonight's your dad's big tree-trimming party. Your dad's getting Thomas and Charlotte ready. I'll bring them tomorrow so you can wish them a Merry Christmas. Christmas without you... I'm gonna do my best to make it okay for the kids because I know that's what you would want. But for me? I miss you more every day, not less, like some people expect. They say it gets easier with time. Every day I can't see your smile, hear your voice, feel you close to me... Like I said, I miss you more, not less.


Rafe [to Nicole]: What the hell are you doing here?
EJ: What do you think she's doing here? Come on Commissioner, put those detective skills to good use. Obviously, Nicole spent the night.

Marlena: Sister Mary Moira.
Sister Mary Moira: Dr. Marlena Evans. It's good to see you.
Marlena: You as well. John asked me to let you know that he's sorry he couldn't be here today.
Sister Mary Moira: Well, he's not the one who should be expressing remorse. It's that reprobate son of his that needs to atone.
Marlena: Brady?
Sister Mary Moira: Ew. Just his name sends shivers down my spine.
Marlena: Why? What did Brady do?
Sister Mary Moira: I hate to say this. I came to see you, but unfortunately, your stepson ravished me.
Marlena: Are you saying that Brady kissed you in a romantic way?
Sister Mary Moira: Oh, there was nothing romantic about it. He stuck his forked, fornicating tongue down my virgin throat.
Marlena: That's quite an image.

Brady: Maybe it's none of my business, but I'm going to put my two cents in anyway because I'm your brother and I love you. Was Nicole wrong to talk to Jada? Probably. But Jada was the one who decided to have an abortion. Is it really fair to blame Nicole?
Eric: That's not why we broke up. We broke up for the same reason we got divorced. We're too different and we're not good for each other. We got caught up in this forbidden love but we weren't meant to be together. We got into it again this morning. Nicole trailed me to Sloan Peterson's apartment and lay into me for sleeping with Sloan.
Brady: You slept with Sloan? Eric, do you have any idea what she did to Paulina and Chanel, and indirectly to Abe? Is this really the kind of person you want to be sleeping with?
Eric: That's real classy coming from someone who's shacked up with Kristen Dimera.

I've sure you've heard I'm an ambulance chaser. The thing is, I tend to catch what I chase.


Nicole: Are you saying you're breaking up with me?
Eric: For us to break up, we would have had to have been together.
Nicole: So this is how we're doing this? Bitter and spiteful?
Eric: It's probably for the best. Otherwise, we'd make the same mistake.
Nicole: Fine.
Eric: Good.
Nicole: This is really happening, isn't it?
Eric: Unless you can find another way through. I can't.
Nicole: Maybe our mistake was trying to recapture what we once had, forgetting all the things that made us wrong for each other.