Ben: You're not gonna shoot us.
Evan: Why the hell not?
Ben: Because that's not how this story ends. Our story. Me and Ciara have been through hell and back. Explosions, kidnappings... nothing tore us apart and nothing ever will.

Jack: To the greatest adventure.
Xander: Climbing Mount Everest?
Jack: No.
Xander: Kilimajaro?
Jack: I'm talking about love.
Xander: Oh. Go on then.

Sarah: Why aren't you in prison? [pause] Oh my God, oh my God, you broke out of prison.
Kristen: I know this looks crazy -
Sarah: You think? You broke out of prison AGAIN and you're pretending to be someone else AGAIN!

I know what Gwen has done to you, and I am appalled by her actions. But she is my daughter too. Are you seriously asking me to choose between her and you?


Kate: Do you not realize that Jake and Gabi are history?
Philip: And do you not realize that you're playing right into Gabi's hands?
Kate: Okay, I'll bite. How so?
Philip: If you'd stayed out of this, she'd be busy with relaunching Gabi Chic. But now you've ensured that she and Jake are going to continually lock horns.

I know Ben's alive. I saw him in a dream and he told me he was coming for me.


Belle: Did you do it?
Sami: How could you think I'm capable of murder?
Belle: Sami. You've shot people multiple times.
Sami: Okay, but I had a good reason.

Allie: I realized that I have to put Charlie behind me. He's consuming too much of my life and I can't let that happen. And I'm not going to anymore.
Nicole: I admire your determination, but Charlie is living in Salem. And when you see Henry -
Allie: No. I don't think of him when I look at Henry. He's Tripp's nephew and that's okay but -
Nicole: Tripp?
Allie: Yeah, I had gone over to his apartment to apologize and later he came here and said he accepted my apology.
Nicole: As he should. Allie, you had every reason to think it was him.
Allie: I know. He's not mad at me or anything, and he was a really nice guy and helpful with Henry. Anyway, the point is, I'm done with Charile. He's not going to bother me anymore. As far as I'm concerned, Charlie is dead to me.

Ava: I'm just thinking about the monster I created.
Tripp: Charlie did horrible things, but he was still your son. You have to feel something about him being dead.
Ava: I do. I'm glad he's gone.

Susan [as Kristen]: Kristen?
Kristen [as Susan]: Don't call me. And don't say my name. If anyone hears, the jig is up.
Susan: The jig is already up.
Kristen: Why, did someone figure out who you are?
Susan: No, not yet. All I'm saying is that if the jig is up it's cause I lifted it.
Kristen: What does that even mean?
Susan: It means I have a bone to pick with you. There's no sundae bar. You lied to me.

Sami: You scared me.
Rafe: YOU were scared?
Sami: You can put the gun down now.
Rafe: I don't think so. I'm going to treat you like any other suspect.
Sami: Suspect?
Rafe: Yeah. I was called in because of a report of a gunshot and when I got here, Charlie Dale was dead and you came waltzing out of his bathroom. So did you shoot him or not?

Gabi: Want to team up?
Abigail: Actually, you're the last person I ever want to turn to for help. But Gwen killed my grandmother and she needs to pay.
Gabi: I have a lot going on right now so...
Abigail: I know you, and no matter what you have going on, you always manage to carve out a little time for revenge. And judging from my own experience, you're pretty damn good at it.