Pippa: Mr. Parker says you can love whoever you want to love and to not be ashamed.
Ray: Well, you don't have to quote Season 8 Episode 15, okay?

Let's do this discreetly. Just us, no boys. You know how sentimental they can get.


Look, all I know is I'm up here right now as part of some soul harvesting pyramid scheme. Honestly, I can't keep up with these millennials and all their newfangled world domination plans.


Hi, Nora doll. Daddy's home.


Sara: What are you still doing here?
Zari: Exfoliating.

Sara: Alright Legends, grab your cowboy hats and leather straps because we are going to -- where is everyone?
Constantine: Yeah, I might have got a bit sentimental on my deathbed and encouraged Raymond to carpe his diem.

Bro, that doughnut you made me eat had me hallucinating. Starting today, I'm on a juice cleanse.


Charlie: I'm just gonna come out with it. I am a Fate.
Nate: One of the three old Greek ladies?
Charlie: That's offensive, but correct.
Ava: Which one are you?
Charlie: Clotho, the Spinner.
Zari: I'm super confused, but what do you spin?
Charlie: Look, I don't spin anything anymore, but I used to spin people's futures.

Ray: Eventually, I plan on asking Nora to marry me.
Gary: Can I be your flower boy?
Ray: Oh, that's very sweet Gary. Odd, but very sweet.

What is with all these damn scooters? They're a menace!


Behrad: I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Prince Charles.
Charlie: It's not your fault. But my friends call me Charlie.

Nate: B, chin up! You are a catch. If there was a female version of you, I would be all over her. Fact!
Behrad: Like my sister?
Nate: Absolutely.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 5 Quotes

Ava: Ray! Who else saved the multiverse?
Ray: Oh uh well The Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman...
Ava: Cool.
Nate: What? No Superman? Couldn't have been that big a deal.
Ray: Oh, no Superman was there. He's very handsome.

Ava: Big smiles everyone! And nobody mention Oliver Queen.
Mona: Why?
Ava: Because he died.
Nate: Shouldn't have done the crossover.