Spooner: Okay, hold up. I thought this was a time machine. Why not bring us back an hour earlier? That way, y'all can change out of your PJs.
Zari: Oh, girl, we don't ask those questions.

Nate: Zari?
Zari: Oh, you're not used to my nighttime makeup. I mean, no makeup. Sorry to ruin the illusion.
Nate: No, you, um...you look just like her.
Zari: Oh, you mean the other Zari.
Nate: Yeah.
Zari: I could change my hair if it would help.
Nate: Help what?
Zari: Whatever's happening down there.
Nate: It's not my fault. I was sleeping.
Zari: Yeah.
Nate: It's natural.
Zari: Whatever you say, Steel.

I know that I don't deserve to be happy, and I know we'll probably muck this up, alright, but I'm willing to throw the dice. I want this to be real. I do. What do you say?


Oh, cups are edible in 2045, eco-friendly is finally in. Too little, too late, if you ask me.


If I hadn't done unforgivable things to survive, I never would have made it out the other side. Now, Ava is my other side. And I don't care if you have to eat your way through the entire solar system, I am gonna get back to her.


Nate: I bet Sara's pulling a "Thor: Ragnarok," and she's kicking some aliens' asses, and they're all shouting her name -- "Sara! Sara! Sara!"

...so I'm thinking for the funeral, we need a statement dress. It's his burial, but your red carpet.


Alien Robot: Where can I find this S'more Money?
Kid: Judging some crazy singing competition out in Hollywood.
Alien Robot: That is an odd occupation for a king, but as is the way, I will challenge him to a death duel.

Behrad: Maybe she's with Nate. He was headed back to the club.
Mick: Back? Why?
Behrad: You missed Starman at the after-after. He said he had to prep for his show there tonight.
Ava: What the hell is a Starman?
Behrad: Major T? Ziggy Stardust?
Constantine: Bowie! He's talking about David Bowie.

Sara: Ava? Wait, how are you...how are you here?
Ava: Hey. Hey, hey, hey, stay with me. Look at me. Yes.
Sara: Yes what?
Ava: When you get home, I'll marry you. So, you better get home, okay? I love you.

It's not gonna work. This whole thing's not gonna work. Nothing works without Sara.


Nate: See, my girlfriend's from another time.
David Bowie: Oh, like the future?
Nate: No. Well, technically, yes. But she's from the future with a different timeline entirely. Now she lives in a totem. And I'm forced to be at peace with it.
David Bowie: What's her name?
Nate: Zari. Her name is Zari. And I'm afraid I'll never see her again.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 Quotes

Behrad: Maybe she's with Nate. He was headed back to the club.
Mick: Back? Why?
Behrad: You missed Starman at the after-after. He said he had to prep for his show there tonight.
Ava: What the hell is a Starman?
Behrad: Major T? Ziggy Stardust?
Constantine: Bowie! He's talking about David Bowie.

Zari: I'm glad you're in a good mood, though.
Constantine: Well, why shouldn't I be? You see, my soul finally belongs to me, Astra is redeemed, and I get to wake up next to you, you Lovely creature.