You don't know anything about what I feel. My father took his life for all of this.


Finola: I'm not sure we can get out of this, Bryan.
Bryan: Well, we're going to figure it out.
Finola: I can't comprehend what is going on in there. We're not meant to. We thought that we were in control, but maybe we need to acknowledge that we're in the presence of something bigger, stronger than us.
Bryan: And possibly unknowable.

I don't carry this so that I remember her. I carry it so that I don't forget what it's like to invest in something that I can lose.


I think the debris is experiencing us the same way that we are experiencing it.


Maddox: We decided to start with doubling your does, alright?
Bryan: What happened to me had nothing to do with the injections not working.
Maddox: We have to cover all of our bases. Make sure.

Bryan: I wish you hadn't stopped it. Could have learned more.
Maddox: You might not have survived. It was too much for her system. You happened to a little strong, that's all. But you were almost there. I don't know why this happened to you. I just don't want it to happen again. As far as I know, you're the only person debris has ever sought out.

Finola: I think your brother and Bryan failed because we weren't involved. We hadn't figured it out together. Bilateral deviation.
Kathleen: Yeah?
Finola: You are your brother are two strands of the same reality that have become unraveled, and that has messed everything else up.
Kathleen: What do you mean?
Finola: You've been trying to get back to each other, but separately.
Kathleen: But how can we jump together if we're in different realities.
Finola: Because we both have to jump, but at the same time.
Kathleen: I thought we already tried that.
Finola: No, no! Simultaneously because it has to end the way that it began so we can get back to the beginning and repair the damage across all realities.

Finola: Dad?
George: Yes?
Grace: If you were never going to see me again, what would be the last thing that you would say to me?
Finola: Oh, don't say that. You're brilliant, and we are going to figure this out together.
Finola: But what would you say?
George: I would say I love you.

Finola: How do you know this?
Kathleen: Because I spoke to them. They want to speak to you.

[in writing] You belive debris came here for a reason. You believe in the world. Help save it.


Finola: May I ask? Who's the person you are trying to get back to?
Bryan: You.

What are you, a grizzly tracker now, Neils? How do you know the wind's coming from the northeast?


Debris Season 1 Quotes

Bryan: You're still working?
Finola: How do you think our reports get done, Bryan?
Bryan: Somebody else does them? [she glares at him] Oh! Well, keep up the good work.

Craig: How is it working out with Finola?
Bryan: Obviously, she's falling in love with me and trying to keep it professional.
Craig: OK, copy that, gorgeous.