Bill: They wanted to run me out for warnin' those folks about the ICE operation. Then these stars fell in my lap, and they couldn't. I'm startin' to think they were right in the first place.
Paula: You need three things to do this job, your badge, your gun, and what's in your heart. If your heart is telling you it's time to walk away, I'll support you. But if this is you feeling sorry for yourself because the job's harder than what you thought, suck it up.

Bill: This isn't a political statement, it's just the opposite. I respect that you have a job to do, but ours is different, and people need to know it regardless of how they got here. Because if they're afraid to come to us for help, then we're gift-wrapping about a million victims for every bad guy in town to prey on with total impunity. I'm sorry, but I'm canceling this operation. Deputies, you're dismissed.
London: You can't do this, Bill! With the federal grants, we'll lose millions!
Bill: Look, I don't blame you for being pissed, Jerry. You come to me with specific targets, but we are not taking part in any roundups. Not while I'm sheriff.

Brianna: You're like the Ned Stark of the LA Sheriff's Department.
Bill: The what?
Brianna: Not a Thrones fan?
Bill: I never got through the first season. [pause] Ned's the hero, right?

Bill: The odds of findin' this kid alive...
Cade: Fifty-fifty. Alright? Either we find her or we don't. No reason not to be optimistic.
Brianna: Who taught you math?

Bishop, I know what the smart play here is. It's just that I like to do dumb things sometimes.


Cade: It will take us an hour to hike down.
Bill: Can you ride?
Cade: You mean horses? [nods] Summer camp.
Brianna: Took silver in the Junior Olympics for dressage.
Bill: Course you did.

But here's the deal. You can't kill me. Not now. You're too small, and I'm too good. I used to kill people for a living. I was a sniper in the Marine Corps., and I used to watch my targets for a long time, learn their habits, best place to take them. Maybe you can do that with me. Stay with us, and that way, you can keep an eye on me. Meantime, we will take care of you and your sister, and we won't let anything happen to either one of you. That way, you can watch me and wait for your shot. That sound like a plan?


My dad used to say there are no victories on the job. And it never ends. You're blessed if you wake up with another chance to make it work, another chance to force the world to be a little nicer.


Deputy Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

This is like that Brady Bunch episodes. Do remember? When they make Greg the rock star because he fits the suit? Well, I'm Johnny Bravo. And it didn't end well.


I'm a lawman. Never took a dime. Never put my hands on somebody unless I had to. Never pulled the trigger when there was another way. You want to hunt gangsters? Human traffickers? Well, I'm your huckleberry. But you're asking me to drag families from their homes so you can eat from the federal trough. When'd you lose your way, Jerry?
