Thursdays on FX (Hulu Exclusive)

Instagram makes people feel like shit about their lives. Twitter makes them feel reviled. Facebook destroyed democracy.


You can talk to me at any time. You can call me at any time. You have no professional obligations to fulfill. Your job and your income are secure and they will stay that way as long as you need them to.


I have friends, and they're taking care of me. In fact, I'm with them right now.


I think your time in the AI division has run its course. I want you to join DEVS.


I'm not going to tell you. I won't need to. Just sit, read the code, take your time. And don't worry, you're gonna figure it out. I know you are.


There was something strange about it. It was like, purposeful, heading somewhere, like a zombie.


Human beings are hard-wired magical thinkers. You could have the most rational thinker and if their kid gets hurt they'll start praying.


Lily: You're telling me he was murdered?
Anton: I have no doubt.

I want you to consider that Sergei had a good reason for doing what he did. It might be a good reason for you too.


Jamie: Lily, come on. If this was a Russian state, your guy was like...
Lily: Like what?
Jamie: A spy, or something. Industrial espionage.

DEVS Quotes

I have friends, and they're taking care of me. In fact, I'm with them right now.


You can talk to me at any time. You can call me at any time. You have no professional obligations to fulfill. Your job and your income are secure and they will stay that way as long as you need them to.
