The Doctor: Tell me the name of the boy who isn't going to die today.
Boy: Davros. My name is Davros.

What have we got? What do we know? It's not an attack. It's not an invasion because, well that doesn't come with a fair warning. So, somebody needs our attention. Somebody who needs to put a gun to our heads to make us listen.


The Doctor: Davros is the child of war. A war that wouldn't end. A thousand years of fighting till nobody could remember why. So Davros, he created a new kind of warrior. One that wouldn't bother with that question. A mutant in a tank, that would never ever stop. And they never did.
Clara: The Daleks?

I try never to understand, it’s called an open mind.

The Doctor

Oh, don’t be disgusting, we’re Timelords, not animals. Try, nanobrain, to rise above the reproductive frenzy of your noisy little food chain, and contemplate friendship.


The Doctor: Skaro! You brought me to Skaro.
Davros: Where does an old man go to die, but with his children?
Clara: What's Skaro?
Missy: The beginning. Where it all started. This is the planet of the Daleks.

The Doctor: Why have I ever let you live?
Davros: Compassion Doctor. It has always been your greatest indulgence.

Doctor Who Season 9 Episode 1 Quotes

What have we got? What do we know? It's not an attack. It's not an invasion because, well that doesn't come with a fair warning. So, somebody needs our attention. Somebody who needs to put a gun to our heads to make us listen.


The Doctor: Tell me the name of the boy who isn't going to die today.
Boy: Davros. My name is Davros.