The Doctor: You could take this planet in a heartbeat. Why do you need consent?
Monk: We must be wanted. We must be loved. To rule through fear is inefficient.
The Doctor: Of course… fear is temporary, love is… slavery.

Monk: Without our help, planet Earth is doomed.
The Doctor: Yes! Well, it’s been ‘doomed’ before! And guess what happened? Me!

Colonel Brabbit: Listen, isn’t it just worth *considering* doing the deal?
The Doctor: What deal?
Colonel Brabbit: All we have to do is consent.
The Doctor: That’s what the Secretary-General thought, and they burned him!
Colonel Brabbit: He was afraid. I’m not being afraid, I’m being smart.
The Doctor: Yeah. Being smart is not giving away your planet!

I’m not gonna lie to you, this means your insurance premiums are gonna go through the roof. In fact, pretty much everything is gonna go through the roof, because I’m gonna *blow up the lab*!

The Doctor

Hello, I’m the Doctor, saving the world with my eyes shut!

The Doctor

You can have the world, just let him see again!


Alien: What are you doing?
The Doctor: What everyone does when the world is in danger -- calling the Doctor!

It’s like Super Mario, figuring out what’s going on. Deleting himself from the game, because he’s sick of dying.

The Doctor

The Veritas tells of an evil demon that wants to conquer the world. But to do it, he needs to learn about it, first. So he creates a shadow world. A world for him to practice conquering. Full of shadow people that think they are real.

The Doctor

Bill: How is blowing everyone up saving the world?!
CERN Scientist: Because… this isn’t the world!

Okay, Bill. Miss Potts. [removes his glasses] I’m the only person you’ve ever met or will ever meet who is officially licensed to kick the Doctor’s arse. I will happily do the same to you in the event that you do not align yourself with any instructions that I have issued which I personally judge to be in the best interest of your safety and survival. [puts his glasses back on] Okay, Bill?


Bill: Are you trying to get rid of us?
The Doctor: Why?
Nardole: ‘Cause you’re sending us into the dark after a man with a gun.
The Doctor: Ah! Well, I thought of that.
Nardole: Thank you.
The Doctor: Nardole, you make sure you walk in front of Bill.
Nardole: Oh, right.

Doctor Who Season 10 Quotes

Time. Time doesn’t pass. Time is an illusion. And Life is the magician. Because Life only lets you see one day at a time. You remember being alive yesterday, you hope you’re going to be alive tomorrow, so it feels like you are traveling one to the other, but nobody’s moving anywhere! Movies don’t really move. They’re just pictures, just lots and lots of pictures, all of them still. None of them moving, just frozen moments!

The Doctor

Poetry, physics, the same thing.

The Doctor