Rita: I'm a little worried about her, if I'm being honest. Lately, she just seems so...
Malcolm: Sour? She's been sour for fifteen years.
Rita: It's her job. That sort of work just has to weigh on a person's soul.
Malcolm: Yeah, if she still has one.

She saved all of our souls once upon a time. Maybe it's our turn to save hers.


Rouge: Have you recently been exposed to any abnormal atmospheres?
Larry: My entire life is an abnormal atmosphere.

Larry: What should I do?
Rouge: Let's use our brains here. When one expels a living, sixteen-pound parasite from one's body, there is really only one reasonable response.
Larry: Give it a name?

Clara: I don't know if it's your ice-cold touch or to hum of your nutrient tank, but he is never as relaxed as when he is with you.
Cliff: That's my grandpa powers at work.

We have our preferred methods, but, at the end of the day, we want the same thing. Change. Now, I'm blasting through the backdoor, demanding it, while you're walking in through the lobby with a big, dumb smile on your face, talking about,'Hi! I'm Cyborg, Nice to meet ya!' but sometimes change comes from the inside. You taught me that.


You can sign all the online petitions that you want, but when there is a guy with an arm cannon at the table, you're gonna want to listen to what he has to say.


Vic: I didn't ask for this, Roni.
Roni: None of us asked for what we got. Only thing that matters is what we do once we got it.

Vic: Cyborg isn't me! I'm not happy like this.
Roni: Yeah. Well, not all of us can afford to prioritize our happiness. The fact is you're a more effective agent of change as Cyborg than you are as Vic. So, what do you want? Change? Or do you want happiness?

Harrison: If the girl is going to be hurt, it's better it be on our terms than on theirs. Don't you agree?
Jane: We were created for one thing. It was to protect the girl.

When something wants to get us, it usually finds a way to get us. No use trying to stop it.


Quiz: This was just the prologue. The prologue to reckoning.
Cliff: That sounds bad. Is it bad?
Lloyd: Only if you are.

Doom Patrol Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

She saved all of our souls once upon a time. Maybe it's our turn to save hers.


Rita: I'm a little worried about her, if I'm being honest. Lately, she just seems so...
Malcolm: Sour? She's been sour for fifteen years.
Rita: It's her job. That sort of work just has to weigh on a person's soul.
Malcolm: Yeah, if she still has one.