This necklace kept my father alive so he could spend nearly a hundred years with me. And even though he’s gone, I know he’ll always be in here. No matter how impossible the odds may seem, Love always wins out.


Whenever I feel like nobody gets me, I put on my best wig, sashay on stage, and belt one out to the back row. You can’t help but feel seen in the spotlight.

Maura Lee

Okay, sweetie, you’re up at a Katy Perry, and I’m going to need you to bring it way down to an Alicia Keys.

Maura Lee

Dorothy: That’s one of our friends. You can’t just vaporize them.
Casey: Why not?
Dorothy: Because they’re not a comic book character. This is the real world. Death is… Death is permanent here.

I’m not the person I used to be. I’m confused, I’m scared, and I’m angry. And he was supposed to help me through it. He kept me a child for so long and now that I’m finally growing up, he’s not here, and I hate him for it. I want to say all of these thing to him but maybe some things are better left unsaid.


She needs her dad. Fuck you for turning your back on that.


I know how hard things can be out there. Believe me, I get it. But tonight, someone reminded me that there are still good people in the world, people who want to help, true allies. And if we ever really want to change the world, we need to start living in it.

Maura Lee

Doom Patrol Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Whenever I feel like nobody gets me, I put on my best wig, sashay on stage, and belt one out to the back row. You can’t help but feel seen in the spotlight.

Maura Lee

This necklace kept my father alive so he could spend nearly a hundred years with me. And even though he’s gone, I know he’ll always be in here. No matter how impossible the odds may seem, Love always wins out.
