Cliff: Why do you get to pick the codenames? Because they suck.
Rita: When you spend days researching and plotting missions while getting paper cuts and inky fingers, you can choose the codenames, okay? Until then, you’re Robotman. Dr. Harrison is Crazy Jane. Larry is Negative Man. Vic is Cyborg. And Rouge, you’re Dogshit McGivens.

Rita: Not behind the bush! His ammo will cut right through.
Codpiece: Just like my milky man batter!
Rita: Could you try not to be disgusting for two seconds?

Rita tries to control the team’s every move because she can’t bear to lose another loved one. Diagnosis, a textbook perfectionist slash narcissist, with survivor’s guilt and PTSD.

Dr. Harrison

I suspect Cliff has a low IQ due to poor breeding, a Florida public school education, and race car fumes. Diagnosis, a Grade-A simpleton.

Dr. Harrison

Bazooka Butt: I’m not really part of Codpiece’s crew. I’m just the IT guy.
Vic: What do you mean, ‘just the IT guy’? You’re an integral part of his villainy. You’re the foundation he builds his nefarious successes on.

What was your part of the plan? Was it to engage with an ass-bazooka-wielding twit? I don’t want to hear it. You stick to the plan or you stay home.


Though Vic fearlessly jumped into the fray against a nimrod with a rump cannon, he’s far less courageous when it comes to following through on the promise he made himself to find his happiness. Diagnosis, personality dysmorphia and social cowardice.

Dr. Harrison

Larry and Keeg have been getting on like a house on fire. It may be the first recorded case of a host developing Stockholm Syndrome towards its parasite. Larry’s managed to let go of himself enough to share his life and body with Keeg in a way he never could with the Negative Spirit or his human family. And though Larry tells himself the new life he’s forged with the neon leech is fulfilling enough, the truth is he yearns for more. Diagnosis, good old-fashioned self-loathing with a healthy dash of codependency.

Dr. Harrison

Rouge’s memories always return with a vengeance and she’s created a nasty ritual which is a form of psychological self-harm. The results are always the same and she’s forced to face the fact that she’s relegated hundreds of people to obsolescence. Though all-encompassing, her pain is a quiet one, the kind that’s always there, just under the surface, smoldering, looking for something to catch but never finding anything. Diagnosis, self-loathing doormat with sociopathic tendencies.

Dr. Harrison

This ‘doomed’ patrol is the El Dorado of psychological dysfunction.

Dr. Harrison

Dr. Harrison: The others are all searching for Kay. Why aren’t you?
Jane: Because I can think of better ways of wasting my time … like trying to eat my own face.

I think I’ll sit this one out. I’m allergic to jellyfish AND experimental fringe science.


Doom Patrol Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Rita: Not behind the bush! His ammo will cut right through.
Codpiece: Just like my milky man batter!
Rita: Could you try not to be disgusting for two seconds?

Cliff: Why do you get to pick the codenames? Because they suck.
Rita: When you spend days researching and plotting missions while getting paper cuts and inky fingers, you can choose the codenames, okay? Until then, you’re Robotman. Dr. Harrison is Crazy Jane. Larry is Negative Man. Vic is Cyborg. And Rouge, you’re Dogshit McGivens.