That's one of the really... perplexing things about life, isn't it? Any true pleasure comes with a price. We drink too much, we wake up hung over. We eat too much, we pack on the pounds. You enjoy one moment of lust, and you live a lifetime of guilt. Yeah, what feels good comes with a cost. At the end of the day, it's just a matter of figuring out how much you are willing to pay.


Nobody puts Joanna in a corner.


The inner animals of our citizenry will be released.


Here's to liquid courage!


Would you like some of my duck in your mouth?


Darryl: This is what I'm talking about. Sharing our feelings, food fights, tickle fights. I just love celebrating with you ladies!
Roxie: Tickle fights?
Darryl: Drink some more wine.

Will: You're a good friend.
Kat: And you're acting like a moron! Smarten up and be nice to Joanna.

Roxie: Excuse me, young lady?!
Mia: You are not allowed to 'young lady' me. For fifteen years, you've been trying to be my pal. You can't just turn around and be my mom.
Roxie: I will 'young lady' you all I want, young lady! And believe me, I am your mom. I have the stretch marks to prove it.

(to Roxie) Hey, I thought we could go to your place for slunch, which is my new word for sex plus lunch.


Joanna: Penny, we're in a crisis. I've got my back against the wall. There's only one thing to do.
Penny: What's that?
Joanna: We need to party.

Josh: (Josh has lipstick on his face as he introduces himself to Roxie inside a jail cell)I wish we were meeting under better circumstances. I've been trying to get Chad to have you over for dinner.
Roxie: (to Chad) Younger brother?
Josh: And a friend of Mia's.
Roxie: Yeah, I can see her friendship smeared all over your face.

This is not a bucket list. This is a suck-it list.


Eastwick Quotes

(voiceover) Sometimes, those with the most powerful abilities are hiding in the most unlikely places.


Chicken hands, you gonna stare at my boobs all day or you gonna buy something?
