Amanda: If you wanted this job you would have taken it but we both know you wont because you'll miss your little clients too much.
Ari: And we both know that you've already fucked all of yours, so maybe you can move on to bigger and better.

Dana Gordon: Am I your number two or not Ari?
Ari: You'll always be my number one whore, Dana

Babs: Just so you know, I'm paying ten cents on the dollar for your share of this company.
Ari: Any shot you could pay me in euros?
Babs: You, are a fucking asshole.
Ari: How can I leave such a charming man!?

Lloyd: I'm growing cold Ari Gold.
Babs: I got something that will warm him up.
Ari: You cougarlicious little freak

Lloyd: I've been putting your calls through for three years now and I haven't interrupted or given my opinion. Even when I know I can stear your twisted mind into greener pastures. But I can't keep my mouth shut anymore!
Ari: That's because it's filled with..
Lloyd: Shut it Ari!

You throw a lot of jew guilt for a chinaman

Ari [to Lloyd]

Oh yeah yeah, I'm sure she's got a fetish for guys who are built like a South Park character

Ari [referring to Jamie Lynn Sigler and Turtle]

Lloyd: What's wrong?
Ari: Has so much cum squirt in those eyes you can't see what's right in front of your face? Amanda Daniels takes that job, Vince is fucked and I'm fucked. Which means we're all fucked. And we're fucked in the way you like to get fucked, not fucked in the way normal people like to get fucked

Babs [referring to two reality tv writers]: They wanna branch out.
Ari: Haha, to what, the circus?
Babs: Features.
Ari: Oh come on, I met those freaks. If it wasn't for losers eating bull cock tempura they'd be lucky to produce a decent infomercial

Drama: That whole world is deviants, bro. The dudes bang each other while the chicks watch, the chicks bang each other while more chicks watch...
Turtle: And yet nobody would let you watch anything!

Well, that was quick. Either you couldn't close, or the sheer physics of the act was too overwhelming

Drama [to Eric referring to a tall model]

I don't want to do another TV show. That's satan's work!

Jeffrey Tambor

Entourage Season 5 Quotes

Agent: I liked Medellin, Ari.
Ari: Then you're a fucking idiot!

I remember crying myself to sleep when Roger Ebert singled out my performance in License to Drive as the end of the golden age of cinema
