The situation with your son… a lot of people are talking… I know (he’s innocent.) It’s just.

Restaurant Manager

There’s nothing more powerful than a fat girl who doesn’t give a f—k.


Nothing in high school lasts forever.


All I know is, life is not a Nicholas Sparks novel.


There is not a thing on planet Earth that compares to fentanyl, Except Jules.


Do you think this stuff affects them, even if they don’t know it?


Whoever did this to you doesn’t love you.


They want something they can own and possess.


Maddy knew who she was from a very early age.


When Jules was eleven years old, her mother took her on a trip.


Man: Are you making any new friends?
Jules: Not really.
Man: That'll change.

Cal: Hey. Look, I know you have the power to ruin my life right now. I'm begging you, pleading with you, please don't. I know you already told your friend. I saw her look at me.
Jules: She won't tell anyone, I promise.
Cal: 'Cause if this ever came out, I'd lose everything. I'll do whatever you want me to do.
Jules: I have no intention of, like, hurting you or anything. I'm sorry about earlier. That was kind of dumb.
Cal: That's okay. I just wanted to...
Jules: It won't be a thing, don't worry.
Cal: Thank you, thank you so much.

Euphoria Quotes

I promise you. If I could be a different person, I would. Not because I want it, but because they do. But here's the thing. One day, I just showed up without a map or a compass, and at some point, you have to make a choice ... about who you are and what you want. And therein lies the catch.


What do you think this is, the eighties? Catch a dick.
