Senator Wen: I would appreciate your help with extra security.
Jack: I would love to, but I am the town sheriff, I have sheriffy things to do.
Senator Wen: That's politician speak for "you have to" the paperwork is already done.

Dr Fong: You realize that I am actualizing a real time interplanetary communications network.
Jack: That's a lot of big words Doctor Fong, but you're playing it loose and easy with safety.

Larry: You have to go down to level Q
Jack: I've never even heard of level Q
Larry: Yeah, it's not a very popular level.

Allison: Come on Jack, you have to trust me.
Jack: I know [smiles]

Henry: [breaks bat on Carter's truck] I hardened it with a resilient, super hard, dense coating.
Carter: A science I can get behind.
Henry: Actually, I did it because I was just tired of fixing it.

Jo: Like a weather forecast for trouble.
Carter: Partly cloudy, with a chance local catastrophe.

Eureka Quotes

Carter: You sure this is not some sort of science-geek-ren-faire thing?
Allison: Well, either we are both having the same delusion or we are really stuck in 1947.

Carter: What does a nanny have that I don't?
Allison: A PhD in early childhood development with an emphasis on organic nutrition.