Fargo: What else could it be?
Holly: Chemical exposure: A big breath of E8 nerve gas and you will be seeing Elvis driving Santa's sleigh being pulled by a team of dragons.
Carter: First we're going to deal with the dragon, then Elvis.

Grace: Doesn't seem real, everything that's happened, does it?
Allison: No

Jack: Senator Wen, you have to keep searching.
Senator Wen: Sheriff Carter, you have no idea how hard this decision is for me.
Jack: Then don't make it!

Kevin: I needed it, so I took it.
Jack: I'm going to pretended you said "borrow" and we are going to take it back.

Allison: Were back, but it's only been a few minutes, Andy going a bit overboard with the protocols.
Carter: You've been gone a little longer than that.
Allison: How Long?
Carter: Four years.

Hey folks, welcome back.. Quarantine everything.


Ahh (squeal) that was so creepy!


Allison: What is that?
Jo: I don't know.
Fargo: Cool! I love dragons!

Fargo: Gang way! [stabs flag in ground] First!
Zane: That's mature
Fargo: Douglas Fargo, first human being on Titan baby!
Grace: I don't think so, this says the atmosphere is oxegen rich.

Nothing like being chased by a giant killer robot to make you want your mom.


Henry: It's built on the principle of the Einstein-Grant Bridge.
Carter: The bridge device? There's the gift that keeps on giving.

Grace: Did we have a launch scheduled?
Allison: No.
Carter: So not good then.

Eureka Quotes

Carter: You sure this is not some sort of science-geek-ren-faire thing?
Allison: Well, either we are both having the same delusion or we are really stuck in 1947.

Carter: What does a nanny have that I don't?
Allison: A PhD in early childhood development with an emphasis on organic nutrition.