Leland: Satan cares about your future. What, are they insane?!
David: What is worshipping Satan about?
Leland: Power! Rejection of authority. Manipulation, violence, disgust with people like you. This guy. This dick. Graham. He doesn't care about any of that. He's just using it.

Kristen: And what's your creed?
Graham: Do what you want, unless it hurts someone. If someone presents themselves as your adversary, destroy them, and look for rewards now, not after. Satan. All glory.
Kristen: Destroy them. How?
Graham: Not in any way that would break the laws of the United States.

Kristen: Do you think Leland is starting to take his exorcism seriously?
David: No. I think God is.

Kristen: This is a scam, isn't it?
Graham: Oh, yee of little faith. No more than your church.

Kristen: Can I ask you, if you don't believe in God, can an exorcism work on you?
David: Sure, God exists despite what any one individual thinks.
Kristen: Right, but for a placebo to work, the patient has to believe in the drug.
David: Yes, but an exorcism isn't a placebo.
Kristen: That's where you and I disagree.

Leland: To our mutual hate.
Sheryl: Mutual.

  • Permalink: Mutual.
  • Added:

Leland: Well?
Sheryl: Are you pimping me out, Leland?
Leland: Which way do you want me to answer that? Don't you want life to be exciting?

Always. Always make time for alcohol.


Life is best when it's surprising, terrifying.


You're a fortune cookie of insight.


I was wearing your stupid rosary around my neck as a joke, and then, when I went to bed, it attacked me.


David: The Church is taking UFOs seriously?
Marx: The Church takes every scientific advancement seriously.

Evil Season 2 Quotes

We cannot fall for a word that comes out of that fucker's mouth.


Marx: This came to us directly from the Cardinal. He has a new parishioner, a good man. He's been giving generously to the church, and he finally confessed why. In his youth, he allowed himself to become possessed.
Ben: Allowed himself?
Marx: Diabolical subjugation. He voluntarily submitted.
Ben: Pfft. To the devil?
David: In exchange for...