Is this a mind wipe? Is this where I forget that Kate stood you up for dinner and you showed up to my place looking all crazy eyed and desperate?


Kate: What ends badly?
Leo: Potentially all of this.

You just look and sound so sweet but you're not are you? Like bees in the shape of a donut.


She is a hand grenade in a Holly Hobbie dress.


The mediator's pretty when she's not talking.


I guess if you're going to hide out somewhere all you need is a nice lawn and a convenient Costco.


Courage is an angel that makes the difference between a good life and a great life.


What is the big deal about two divorced people having sex?


Kate: What the world needs now?
Ben: Is more hotel casinos.

Kate: I don't do murder.
Ben: Good. Then you won't kill me.

If you wanted simple you should have just left me behind and flipped a coin.


Lauren: As your legal council?
Justin: You should be happy you found me with Kate and not a hooker.

Fairly Legal Quotes

Kate: She's a bit obsessive, our step-mother. Don't you think?
Spencer: That's what Dad loved about her.
Kate: I thought that was her ass.
Spencer: There's that too.

We most definitely have a deal. There is no sex ever. And when we do have sex there is no spending the night.
