Andi: Do you have any pets?
Roarke: Well, I had a dog. Sort of. His name was Mr. Jones.
Andi: Did he pass?
Roarke: No, no, no. He reconnected with his wife and moved back to the mainland.

They think they’re holding each other up, but I’m afraid they are holding each other back.


You are cute. And somehow, I managed to bring you into this world and keep you alive, all while being massively, fabulously successful. Yes, so go me!

Fantasy Island isn’t tethered in a particular time or reality, which means the Island is free to show our guests possibilities. What could be, what could’ve been.


Roarke: Y’know, there are many roads and many choices that lead to who we are.
Jessica: Roads paved with LIES.

Get used to the truth bombs, ladies, because they’re about to start falling.


I’ve been watching you my entire life, and you know what I see? I think you are a sad little hermit who is terrified of human intimacy. And you use your cat, aka me, as an excuse to stay in Friday nights instead of finding a real relationship. It’s sad, and I don’t like watching it. And you take me, a cat, to an island to validate your delusion that you’re not wasting your life, which you are.

Baron BoBo

Andi: Why are you so mean?
Baron BoBo: I’m not mean. It’s just that the truth hurts, Food Lady.

Segundo: Focus, Javier, focus. Elenita is a strong dancer. She needs a strong lead.
Javier: I’m not sure about this.
Segundo: Then you will fail. Salsa is about passion, not doubt.

Well, you know, there’s friend energy, but then there’s love energy. But there is a distinct difference between the two.


Ruby: Tough day?
Andi: My cat thinks I’m a loser.
Ruby: He’s a cat. What does he know?

Tara: What if I can’t handle it? My mother couldn’t.
Roarke: And Jessica was there for you. You made each other feel safe, right? That’s what life rafts do. How is that working for you?

Fantasy Island Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

They think they’re holding each other up, but I’m afraid they are holding each other back.


Andi: Do you have any pets?
Roarke: Well, I had a dog. Sort of. His name was Mr. Jones.
Andi: Did he pass?
Roarke: No, no, no. He reconnected with his wife and moved back to the mainland.