If I don't get married, it means no kids by thirty, empty nest by fifty-two, and retirement by fifty-five. And if I don't retire by fifty-five, I won't have time to pursue my actual dream, opening a restaurant by sixty. I'm twenty-six and out of time.


Nisha: Which one should I marry?
Elena: Yeah, the island, it doesn't answer questions. It fulfills fantasies.

I didn't believe in marriage, and then I met the most complicated, challenging, hilarious, beautiful woman in the world. Then I did believe.


Alma: Don't you ever worry? That you're going to get caught or go to jail?
Raul: I'm too pretty to worry, chicita.

Family is everything. They're the only people who will always be there for you. Protect you. It all comes from love. Suffocating love, but love all the same.


Sometimes I think I live other peoples' lives more than mine.


Family recipes are very important to pass down. Food, music, stories, it's how we stay connected to who we are.


Sometimes, wandering through the past is the best way to free yourself in the future.


It's my great-uncle, Raul. And he's so young. And hot, which is surprisingly unexpected.


Now, that dress should pay you for the privilege.


Eileen: Look, Charlie, you strike me as someone who has suffered from a lifelong inability to surrender in any way to irrationality.

Charles: It’s Charles, and you’re correct.

Even when your kid slams the door in your face, it’s your job to keep knocking.
