Forrester: Does this M.O. line up with any recent organized crime activity?
Granno: This isn't the movies. Not every crime in Italy has a Mafia connection.

Vo: It's only been a few hours. How do we know there's foul play?
Kellett: Costa's body was found, shot three times at close range.
Forrester: That'll do it.

Forrester: This is not like it is back home. We are guests in their country. We work on their terms.
Jubal: Ok. But doing whatever it takes usually doesn't include waiting around.

Forrester: What the hell is [Granno's] problem?
Smitty: I'm working on it.

Forrester: I'm not trying to impress you. I'm trying to get you to take a potential terror threat seriously.
Granno: Ah. More American arrogance.

Forrester: Long time no see. I didn't know they let the old guys out of the JOC.
Jubal: What am I going to do? Trust you kids out here on vacation to get anything done?

Forrester: OK. So now, Panzarasa has radioactive material that could explode in a dirty bomb in any city in the world.
Raines: A few sticks of dynamite in a briefcase. Boom. Can make a city unliveable for nearly the next half-century.

Kellett: Well, what I want to know is how do you get the name Smitty out of Megan Garretson?
Forrester: That's a question I asked her myself.
Kellett: And?
Forrester: She said something about a need-to-know basis, and it never got beyond that.

Immunity, or my skin falls off in front of ya and my mouth remains shut. I don't care.


Smitty: Seventy-eight of France's power is nuclear.
Kellett: Right.
Smitty: Duchet recycles the country's spent plutonium fuel rods.

Panzarasa: I wasn't propositioning a sale. I was fulfilling an order.
Forrester: Who ordered it?
Panzarasa: I can't tell ya that.

FBI: International Season 2 Quotes

Forrester: OK. So now, Panzarasa has radioactive material that could explode in a dirty bomb in any city in the world.
Raines: A few sticks of dynamite in a briefcase. Boom. Can make a city unliveable for nearly the next half-century.

Kellett: Well, what I want to know is how do you get the name Smitty out of Megan Garretson?
Forrester: That's a question I asked her myself.
Kellett: And?
Forrester: She said something about a need-to-know basis, and it never got beyond that.