For seven months, my biggest concern was that my local coffee shop was going to run out of oat milk. So I needed a minute today.

Maggie [to OA]

Scola: Your medical clearance came through?
Maggie: I don't think I could have stayed home one more day.

It's our only move, OK? So back off.

Nina [to Scola]

Scola: Can we talk about this?
Nina: Not right now, OK?

Isobel: That was definitely the mother, and she was asking about her son.
Jubal: Which means this case makes even less sense than it did five minutes ago.

Liza: What are you saying?
Scola: I'm saying that it just doesn't feel random.

Better a hen today than an egg tomorrow.


Tiffany: See, I told you. He's good.
Scola: No. We just got lucky.

It ain't much, but it's something.


Ralphie, relax. I'm interested. You keep talking, and maybe we can find something we can do forever.

El Feo [to Ralphie]

I don't know about this, Tiff. That's a lot of anger toward his cousin.

Scola [to Tiffany]

Leone was a good guy. He just got stuck at the intersection of greed and stupidity.

U.S. Attorney Chan [to Isobel]

FBI Season 5 Quotes

Curt: The damn thing can blow up a whole city block.
Nina: Is he bluffing?
Scola: I sure hope so.

Curt: Demand is strong, supply is weak. That's Economics 101, my brother.
OA: A hundred-percent bump in two days is not economics. That is robbery.
Curt: This inflation thing is real. Supply-chain issues, labor shortages, prices have skyrocketed.
Scola: That guy a bomb broker or an economist?