Tiffany: You don't miss much.
Witness: I'm an artist. Details are my life.
Tiffany: Ours too.

  • Permalink: Ours too.
  • Added:

At the end of the day, we're just people, badge or no badge.

Chavez [to OA]

OA: I'm sorry that I took so long.
Chavez: It is what it is.

It's not easy being a victim. It really messes with the way you see things.

Nina [to OA]

You know this is not your fault, right?

OA [to Citra]

You can save this victim self-help crap for someone else.

OA [to Chavez]

OA: I do this for a living.
Chavez: No, you solve crimes for a living. This is different.

We're going to find the man who hurt Marta. He's going to pay for what he did. I promise.

OA [to Anna]

M.E. Mosbach: I wish I had more answers for you.
Nina: So do we.

Jubal: Kid's barely 17 years old.
Nina: And now his life is over.

I'm not some criminal or some weird high-school freak. Is that what you think?

Tyler [to Jubal]

Jubal: I didn't know things were that bad.
Samantha: They are. Well, they were.

FBI Season 5 Quotes

Curt: The damn thing can blow up a whole city block.
Nina: Is he bluffing?
Scola: I sure hope so.

Curt: Demand is strong, supply is weak. That's Economics 101, my brother.
OA: A hundred-percent bump in two days is not economics. That is robbery.
Curt: This inflation thing is real. Supply-chain issues, labor shortages, prices have skyrocketed.
Scola: That guy a bomb broker or an economist?