See, somebody helped me. That's what this is all about.


I started filming our stories so we would have it, but it became about so much more.


John: This was by far the ugliest mustard I'd ever seen.
[Althea laughs]
John: What?
Althea: Where did that phrase come from?
John: It's something my grandpa used to say. He worked in a delicatessen.

Tell them they're making more enemies than friends out here.


We have food, shelter, supplies. We don't have an angle.


John: Oh no.
June: John, John are you there?
John: Yeah, I'm here sweetheart.
June: You must be getting closer.
John: We are. Or, I mean, we were. I imagine we're both looking at the same thing right now. We're not giving up or anything, but I might not make it back in time.
June: John, where are you? I'll come.
John: It's too far.
June: Just tell me.
John: Is the plane working?
June: We're getting there. We're waiting for Morgan and Alicia, John. Where are you?
John: We're going to do our best to get back there, but I need you to promise me. Promise me that you'll take off whether I'm there or not?
June: John.
John: From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I'd found my reason to live. I want you to always have a reason to. Whether I'm there or not, okay? You hear me?
June: John.
John: You live, June.

Logan, get your ass down here!


Morgan, we need to leave right now.


Morgan: Victor, do you copy? Victor, tell me you're alright.
Charlie: Morgan? Hey, everyone this way.
Morgan: Charlie, are you okay?
Charlie: Yeah, I'm okay. Victor is too.
Morgan: I heard gunshots. You haven't killed any walkers with burns on them, have you?
Strand: No, but we are currently enjoying a leisurely stroll with some of them.

We're going to do what we came her to do.


June: Aren't we standing on a giant gas tank?
Althea: It's not the same, we need aviation fuel ... I think I know where we can get some.

Hey, everyone. This way!


Fear the Walking Dead Quotes

You just haven't been tested ... but you're about to be.


Ali: I'm ready.
Howard: I admire your ambition. I know Victor does, too. But everyone has got to start somewhere. To that end.
Ali: Another one?
Howard: No, this is not just any butterfly. This is the Mourning Cloak. Extremely rare. Live for about a year. And Victor has got the perfect spot for it on the shelf. All you've got to do is find one.