Andy's Wife: My husband is not even buried, Mr. Wallace. What you're asking me to do ...
Aaron: I know. And I hate to even ask. Focus should be on your family, but we need to back that AG into a corner, and he won't act unless there is public pressure. 

People walking around all horrified like this is new. His knee was the noose, honey. They just got a new way to kill us now. 


Spencer: You know what I hate more than anything? Feeling helpless.
Aaron: You and me finally got something in common.Spencer: Now's the time to be a troublemaker. Just don't know what to do though. 

Aaron: You've been quiet all day.
Henry: Feels like a time for me to be quiet. 

Aaron: You ever been handcuffed?
Lawyer: No. I have not. Aaron: Because if you had, you wouldn't shrug it off, like it's some harmless policy. And it's not. It's not.

I'm not an activist or a lawyer. I'm a nurse. And being here in this hospital, it's what I can do.


Aaron: Is that the DA talking to the judge?
Henry: Welcome to Staten Island. It's the Good Ole Boys club.

Listen,  Henry and I, we have no idea what it's like to walk in your shoes, but we're here. We're standing next to you. Just remember that. 


I love AJ. I never thought I could love someone so much, but what was I thinking bringing a black child into this world? I feel like I sent my son to his grave.


Andy: You know the question I ask every day?
Aaron: What's that?
Andy: What the hell is their problem? I mean they got everything, but they're still on some genocide mess.
Aaron: We exist.

Aaron: PTSD is no joke. Trust me.
Marie: Any tips? 
Aaron: Lean on your family. Talk it through. Don't think you can tackle this alone. 

Aaron: How's Ronnie? 
Larry: There's certain firsts we all remember. First love. First kiss. First heartbreak. 
Aaron: First racist experience.
Larry: Yeah. I was in kindergarten. My new best friend told me his parents said he couldn't play with any "n's." He didn't even know what that word was.
Aaron: I was eight. In the scouts. There was three of us black kids, and when it came time to set up camp, the scout leader, he segregated us. Put us on the outskirts of the white kids' tent

For Life Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

People walking around all horrified like this is new. His knee was the noose, honey. They just got a new way to kill us now. 


Aaron: Hey, what's wrong?
Jasmine: They won't get off his neck. He just kept begging and they wouldn't let him up. He just wants to be let up. Why wouldn't they let him up? He was crying for his mother. He just kept crying!