Bash: You crossed the line.
Franklin: We're Franklin & Bash we crossed the line ten exits back.

Can you check and see if Mr. Franklin is drunk in addition to being insane.


Are you sleeping with the same mistress? How very green of you.


May we approach the bench with Penn and Teller.


Give us a call when you start embezzling pension funds.


Franklin: Are you going to be able to pay us?
Danny: I was kind of hoping you had a pro-bono policy. Bro-bono.

Like I said I didn't tell anybody. Pindar's not anybody.


Franklin & Bash Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Franklin: Are you going to be able to pay us?
Danny: I was kind of hoping you had a pro-bono policy. Bro-bono.

Like I said I didn't tell anybody. Pindar's not anybody.
