Bender: I came here with a simple dream. A dream of killing all humans. And this is how it must end? Who's the real 7 billion ton robot monster here? Not I, not I...
Fry: Good night, sweet prince.

Leela: Hey, guys! Look what I bought on a wild impulse: New boots! They're like my old ones but with a crazy green stripe! Whoo! Never know what I'm gonna do next!

Fry: Who are you people?
Al Gore: I'm Al Gore. And these are my vice presidential action rangers. A group of top-nerds, whose sole duty is to prevent disruptions in the space-time continuum.
Fry: I thought your sole duty was to cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate.
Al Gore: That, and protect the space-time continuum. Read the Constitution.

If we don't go back there and make the event happen, the entire universe will be destroyed. And as an environmentalist, I'm against that.

Al Gore

Farnsworth: You've killed me! You've killed me!
Leela: Oh, no! What have I done?
Farnsworth: I just told you - You've killed me!

Futurama Season 2 Episode 20 Quotes

Nichols: Eternity with nerds. It's the Pasadena Star Trek convention all over again.
Gygax: Anyone wanna play Dungeons & Dragons for the next quadrillion years?
Fry: Sure.
Hawking: I guess.
IBM Deep Blue: Pawn to rook 8.
Al Gore: Sure! I'm a level 10 vice-president.

That story was preposterous. Stephen Hawking in a pizzeria! This thing isn't worth the gold it's made of.
