Leela: Don't take this the wrong way, Fry, but you don't seem like the educated type.
Fry: Oh, yeah? Read it and weep. I'm a certified college dropout.
Leela: Please! Everyone knows 20th century colleges were basically expensive daycare centres.
Farnsworth: That's true. By current academic standards, you're merely a high school dropout.
Fry: What? That's not fair. I deserve the same respect any other college dropout gets.

Amy: Yo, classmate. What you takin'?
Fry: Oh, I don't know. Hey, Professor, what are you teaching this semester?
Farnsworth: Same thing I teach every semester: The Mathematics of Quantum Neutrino Fields. I made up the title so that no student would dare take it.
Fry: The mathematics of wonton burrito meals. I'll be there!
Farnsworth: Please, Fry, I don't know how to teach; I'm a professor!
Fry: See you in class!

I say, you've damaged our servants' quarters... and our servants.


Fry: Hey, pretty nice for a single. Two desks, two chairs, a couple of beds. [There is a knock at the door.] A woodpecker.
Leela: I think that's probably your roommate.
Fry: Oh, right, cool.

Guenter: I call top bunk!
Fry: My roommate's a monkey?
Guenter: Brilliant deduction, you're a credit to your species.

Farnsworth: Ah, Fry, I see you've met Guenter!
Fry: You know each other?
Farnsworth: Guenter is my experiment. He was the top secret contents of this stinking crate.
Guenter: I'd rather live in a crate than share a room with this dork.

Leela: So what makes Guenter talk?
Fry: Is he genetically engineered?
Farnsworth: Oh, please! That's preposterous science-fiction mumbo-jumbo. Guenter's intelligence actually lies in his electronium hat which harnesses the power of sunspots to produce cognitive radiation.
Guenter: You're wasting your breath, Professor. He'll never understand a word of it.
Fry: I understood the word "hat"!

Farnsworth: Please, stop bickering. I arranged that you be roommates for a reason: So I'd only have to remember one phone number.

Fry: You want a banana?
Guenter: I don't eat bananas. I prefer banana-flavoured energy bars made from tofu.
Fry: I don't like you.

Welcome to the history of the 20th century. Look to your left, then to your right. Then in nine other directions. One of the 12 of you will not pass this class.


Teacher: Be forewarned: The only sure way to get an A in this class is to have lived in the 20th century.
Fry: Swish!

Vernon: From this day forth, Robot House is on dodecatupple-secret probation!
Bender: No fair!
Fatbot: My mom is gonna kill me!

Futurama Season 2 Quotes

Bender: At least I'll always have her bracelet! What do you think it's worth?
Hermes: It's fake, mon.
(Bender cries.)

(to Leela) Look! It's our nebula. Whenever I see it, I'll always think back to that moment when we almost... (nebula gets sucked into the black hole) Oh, nevermind.
