Tywin: The war is over, the king is safe.
Jaime: The king is never safe.

You disappoint me child. We've told you of your father's treason. Why would you want to speak to a traitor?


As soon as you've had your blood I'll put a son in you. Mother says that shouldn't be long.


We’re here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters, to our fathers and mothers, to our friends, our fellow men and women who set aside their differences to fight together and die together so that others might live. Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us, and those who come after them, for as long as men draw breath.


If you ever betray me… I’ll burn you alive.

Daenerys [To Varys]

Eddison Tollett: Stay back! He's got blue eyes!
Tormund: I've always got blue eyes!

The king had a different whore every night, but he still didn't know his way around a woman's body.


I fight and die for your glory, oh glorious Queen.

Ser Jorah

Mance: One of our giants went into your tunnel and never came out again. Mag the Mighty.
Jon: He's dead. He killed my friend Grenn.
Mance: He was their king. Last of a bloodline that stretches back before the first men.
Jon: Grenn came from a farm.
Mance: Mac and Grenn.
Jon: Grenn and Mac.

Ned: If he's coming this far north, there's only one thing he's after.
Cat: You can always say no, Ned.

The Little Lord's been dreaming again.

Old Nan

I have no interest in hospitality or comfort. I'll stay with Drogo until he fulfills his end of the bargain and I get my crown.


Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


I’m going to kill the queen.
