All hail Bran the Broken first of his name, king of the Anders and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms, protector of the realm.


You lost a hand, not a stomach.


It's only wine.


She's gone, I know you don't want to believe it, but she is. Now, go drink until it feels like you did the right thing.


Please Jaime you have to. He was our son, our baby boy.


Let me kill this man for you.

Daario Naharis

Sansa's not a killer. Not yet anyway.


A man with no motive is a man no one suspects. Always keep your foes confused.


I will not let those I have freed slide back into chains.


Across the Narrow Sea, your books are filled with words like usurper and madmen and blood right. Here our books are filled with numbers. We prefer the stories they tell. More plain, less open to interpretation.

Tycho Nestoris

He doesn't just talk about paying people back, he does it.


I remember nothing, only Unsullied.

Grey Worm

Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


I’m going to kill the queen.
