Samwell Tarly. Slayer of White Walkers. Lover of ladies. As if we need anymore signs the world was ending.


Tyrion: Would you like a drink?
Tormund: Brought my own.

Tormund: They call you King Killer.
Jaime: I'm sure someone does.
Tormund: They call me Giant's Bane. Want to know why? I killed a giant when I was ten. Then I climbed right into bed with his wife. When she woke up, you know what she did? Suckled me at her teet for three months, thought I was a baby. That's how I got so strong. Giant's milk.

Tyrion: It's strange, isn't it? Almost everyone here has fought the Starks at one time or another, and here we are in their castle. Ready to defend it. Together.
Brienne: At least we'll die with honor.
Tyrion: I think we might live.
[Everyone laughs].
Tyrion: I do. How many battles have we survived between us?

Melisandre: What do we say to the God of Death?
Arya: Not today.

You took your time.


Melisandre: Do you speak their tongue?
[Ser Jorah nods.]
Melisandre: Tell them to lift their swords.

Melisandre: Valar morghulis.
Greyworm: Valar dohaeris.

There’s no need to execute me, Ser Davos. I’ll be dead before the dawn.


Jon: The Night King is coming.
Daenerys: The dead are already here.

Stick ’em with the pointy end.


At least we’re already in a crypt.


Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


I’m going to kill the queen.
